Emotional Earth

We should never forget that we share this world with nature and all who dwells within. This collection explores how our actions have consequences for every being. If we are in crisis, so are they.

Still, there is always hope.

Polar melt

acrylic paint and candle wax on stretched canvas (76cm x 101cm)


acrylic paint and on stretched canvas (76cm x 101cm)

Tortured jungle

acrylic paint and on stretched canvas (50cm x 40cm)

Plastic pain

acrylic paint and plastic paper on stretched canvas (76cm x 101cm)


acrylic paint and on stretched canvas (76cm x 101cm)

Turtle melt

acrylic paint and candle wax on stretched canvas (76cm x 101cm)

Damaged earth

acrylic paint and on stretched canvas (76cm x 101cm)

Ocean life

acrylic paint and on stretched canvas (76cm x 101cm)

Red rush

acrylic paint and on stretched canvas (76cm x 101cm)


acrylic paint and on stretched canvas (50cm x 40cm)


Les Victimes en Série